Scale your business with

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Meet The AI Business Case Builder

Analyse Websites

Just ask to have a look at external sites to collect insight and help build a strong frame of reference for a strong case

Add Content

Add in your confidential information with out worry since it will never be leaked and only you can use to deliver a strong ROI explaination.

Build Documents

When you are ready to validate your finding just ask Tvilling to build your a presentation and excellent  excutive summary

Content Collaboration

You can treat Tv just like a team member there to help dig deeper together.  Many of our customers use it in the boardroom or senior meetings to build cases collectively leveraging the different points of view.  Over time the model learns more and more about the types of questions and approaches that work best.


Accelerate your work


time reduced spent on 1st drafts

Output of high-quality content


ROI Using divi ai